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Identity resolution

Each message comes with a sender object that contains the address, name, and avatar of the sender.

  • inboxId: A unique identifier for the user's message inbox. This remains consistent across different installations.
  • address: The primary blockchain address associated with the sender. This is typically an Ethereum address.
  • accountAddresses: An array of all blockchain addresses linked to this identity. Users can have multiple addresses associated with their XMTP identity.
  • installationIds: Array of unique identifiers for each installation/device where the user has XMTP enabled.

Supported identifiers

  • Ethereum Addresses - Standard hex addresses (e.g., 0x123...)
  • ENS Domains - Ethereum Name Service domains (e.g., vitalik.eth)
  • Converse Usernames - Social usernames from Converse (e.g., @fabri)
  • Inbox ID - Inbox ID from Converse (e.g., 0x123...)
  • Website Header Tag - Inbox ID from Converse (e.g., xmtp=0x123...)
  • Website Txt record - Inbox ID from Converse (e.g., meta="xmtp" content="0x123...)

Message example

let textMessage: userMessage = {
  message: "Your message.",
  receivers: ["0x123..."],
  originalMessage: message,
await xmtp.send(textMessage);

Resolver library

The resolver provides a getUserInfo function that returns detailed information about a user:

import { getUserInfo } from "xmtp";
const userInfo = await getUserInfo(identifier);

The resolver returns a UserInfo object containing:

  • ensDomain - User's ENS domain if available
  • address - Ethereum address
  • preferredName - Best available name to display
  • converseUsername - Converse username if available
  • avatar - Profile picture URL if available
  • converseEndpoint - Converse profile endpoint

User Availability

Returns true if user has XMTP enabled

const isOnXMTP = await xmtp.isOnXMTP(address);

Cache Management

The resolver implements automatic caching to improve performance and reduce API calls. You can manage the cache using:

// or import directly
import { userInfoCache } from "xmtp";
userInfoCache.clear(); // clear all cache
userInfoCache.clear(address); // clear an address